
About CPDValet

Learn about our vision, the CPDValet story, our unique advantages and our achievements so far.

The CPDValet vision

Our vision is to continually improve the quality and automation of CPD Programs worldwide, using cutting-edge software solutions. When we’re achieving our vision, CPD associations provide significantly more professional development to the members they serve.”

The CPDValet story

Our people have been in the exact same boat as you. The concept of CPDValet was born from our experience working at several educational institutions and consulting to similar organizations. We’ve experienced, first-hand, the challenges:

  • Time-consuming development process cycles with external vendors, resulting in stacks of added costs
  • Frustration piled on by regulators who change the rules with arbitrary deadlines
  • Budget and time constraints
  • Average member satisfaction, as a result of all of the above

The world of CPD platforms needs a drastic facelift. We’ve made it our mission. Will your CPD association be part of the story?

The CPDValet unique advantage

CPDValet is built based on extensive experience with software solutions for the education sector. That means CPDValet customers always have CPD best practices baked into their business processes. And they’re continually staying up to date.

CPDValet is the only enterprise solution on the market that’s designed specifically to improve the operation, budgets and compliance of CPD associations.

Certifications, awards & achievements



Hear it from our customers ...

Karyn Welsh

“Thank you for showing me CPDValet. It is a search I have been on for a while now. I think I can now stop that search.”

Karyn Welsh

Chief Executive Officer, The Charted Institute of Logistics and Transport Australia (CILTA)

Niranjan Prabhu

“A wonderful partner of us for several years. Their people are insightful and capable. Our partnership has enabled us to better understand traffic movements during our open day, gain better understanding of space usage and embedded processes and tools to leverage our innovation projects utilising automation. It’s great to be able to work with people that just get us and the education sector.”

Niranjan Prabhu

Chief Information Officer, Australian Catholic University

Ready to see a live demo?

Book a tailored demo with a CPDValet Customer Success Consultant to learn how the features would work in your association, as well as the revenue uplift and budget savings you can expect.

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